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Case study for Frances McLean

Main Health Condition: Skin condition caused by blood pressure medication.  My main reason for visiting was for my skin and I used to finish my dinner and fall asleep around the table. 

My doctor referred me to skin specialist on 2 occasions they could not find anything wrong with me.  I tried hydrocortisone anti fungal creams which did not work.  I later found out,   some church members had gone to see Errol Denton and had a Private blood test and health programme given to them. I got the details and went along to see him.

My experience of seeing my blood was brilliant to see what was going on with my cells. Since changing my diet I have noticed improvement in my skin conditions my memory has improved, I am no longer tired.  I have cut down  blood pressure  medication to every 2-3 days instead of every day,  added bonus I have  lost 10kg in weight.

Thanks Errol

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