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Case study for Vanessa Harris
I decided to undergo the live blood test, primarily to monitor my general health and wellbeing. Before this, I suffered with for 20 years. I also suffered with poor skin and acne conditions, which was triggered by erratic hormones. I was constantly exhausted and my fitness levels were practically zero.

On the day of my blood analysis, I was naturally nervous. Knowing how in depth the test was, gave me some concerns as to what might be found. I already knew my general fitness was questionable, and I have a family history of major diseases and health concerns. Errol Denton the Microscopist was extremely understanding and reassuring. Before he began, he ensured me that there was nothing to be worried about, I was about to get some good news and some bad news. The ‘good news’ would be finding out my health challenges and the ‘bad news’ would be some of the changes to my unhealthy lifestyle I would have to make, to achieve optimum health.

It was fascinating to see my live blood on the screen, though not a very pretty sight. Errol explained the condition of my blood, and showed me healthy blood as a comparison. I had extremely acidic blood, which had developed to a very serious stage. My white blood cells could barely move around to do their job, and toxins, yeasts and parasites were moving freely in my thick, sticky blood. The red blood cells were of an abnormal shape, which attributed to my overall exhaustion. The extraordinary dry blood test spotted all my major and minor health issues, like travel sickness, arthritic pain in my foot and knee joints. My hormones were shown to be unbalanced, as was my blood sugar levels and my digestive system was under stress.

I was a complete mess, and I was forced to take the condition of my health seriously. I would have to start immediately.

I went straight to the supermarket with the shopping list Errol gave to me. He had put me on a 1-3 month liquid only alkaline feast, to clean up my blood. He was very concerned with what he had seen in the results. He assured me, with plenty of alkaline water, green drinks and juices my blood would be cleaned up quite rapidly. The body is very forgiving, and wants to survive, and with better food choices, I could lose the excess weight, improve the skin, and achieve the wellbeing I had always wanted.

The first week was difficult, as I weaned my body off sugar and carbohydrates as energy and onto burning stored fat. I felt tired and nauseas, and thought I could not get through the programme. It was uphill from there really. The weight loss was immediate and dramatic. I dropped a total of 5 ½ inches from my hips and 4 inches from my waist. I felt like a teenager again, with lots more energy and movement. My husband was very pleased with my results and all my friends and family could not help but notice the change. I have been told I look ten years younger, and I was asked for age identification in a shop, to prove I was over 18. How fantastic! The scarring on my skin had reduced considerably and I no longer developed new spots. I travelled to Europe during my programme, and did so without the aid of travel pills. My joint pains disappeared, and whole body feels youthful.

I have tried many approaches to losing weight, improving my fitness levels and maintaining good skin, but none have achieved the results, that my new alkaline lifestyle has. Its interesting to know that food contributes to so many difficulties in health, but reassuring that a good diet can repair so much of the damaged caused.

I am so glad that I have been able to find the service that Errol Denton runs, and have been able to enhance my life. In the hands of mainstream medicine, I have not had any successes, and I felt cheated that this information is not readily available without much searching.

I am extremely grateful to Errol and Ruth Denton, not just for the testing and diagnosis, but more importantly for the care, thoughtfulness and consideration during my programme and new lifestyle.

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