Antoine Bechamp - Pharmacy, Doctor of Science & Medicine.
Alkaline - Rich in Oxygen.
Acidic - Being or containing an acid; opp of alkaline.
Acid forming - Mucous forming foods examples processed, canned, chemical and preservative laden foods.
Acidic waste - The blood stream food low in PH.
Alkalarian - A person who eat alkaline green food nut seeds (non-acidic food).
Biological terrain - Measure of body’s ph.
Cellular Terrain - The ecological environment within the cell adncondition of the fluids surrounding the cell.
Diagnostic - classification of disease.
Degenerative Disease - Any disease which there is decay of the structure or tissue.
Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin.
Darkfield Microscopy - Special microscope technology that uses scattered light against a dark background (field).
Enzymes - Help makes food digest properly.
Endometriosis - Damage to the lining of endometrial female.
Fatty acid - Acids found in animals and certain plant oils.
Homeostasis - To balance; regulate internal environment.
Hippocrates - Greek physician born in 460 BC on the island of Cos, Greece. He became known as the founder of medicine. Famous quote: let food be your med.
Haematologist - Person who takes blood from you at the hospital.
Iridology - Study of the eyes.
Louis Pasteur - French chemist Germ theory pasteurization.
Microscopist - A therapist who analyses live-living blood cells.
Metabolic function - The process necessary for the maintenance of living.
Mycotoxic Oxidative stress test (MOST) - Dried blood analysis.
Neutrophils - White blood cells.
Ophthalmic Examination - Examination of the eyes.
Parasites - Livingthing that lives on or in get all nutrients from other living things.
Ph - Power of hydrogen tells you how acidic or alkaline a person is.
Rosacea - skin complaint red pigmentation on face.
Sclerology - Analysing using thewhites of the eye.
Sclera - The white part of the eye, containing vessels.
White puddles - Unhealthy blood cells.
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