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Errol Denton Shows How To Naturally Reverse or Halt Diabetes

Nov 05, 2012

Picture for Errol Denton Shows How To Naturally Reverse or Halt Diabetes

Diabetes has reached an epidemic proportions. Globally there are now more than 150 million diabetics.  It is also estimated that Diabetes will affect 2.4 million people in the UK. Type 2 Diabetes used to be more prevalent in the elderly but now it is occurring far more in children and young adults. As stated in The British Journal of Diabetes; Diabetes and health issue related complications constitute the fourth leading cause of death.  The Journal also says people with type 2 Diabetes can reduce their lifespan by 10 years. Diabetes drug Medication can have potential negative side effects to the individual. These can include: low blood sugar, upset stomach, skin rashes, weight gain constant bloating, gas, liver and kidney damage. 

With these alarming facts to take into consideration perhaps it is time to look at a far safer and natural alternative. Diabetes is the number one lifestyle disease in the world today and can simply be avoided through dietary changes.

Errol Denton using live blood analysis has been successfully reversing Diabetes in patients for several years.  Errol’s clients have been able to come off all medication simply by changing their diet.  Errol explains that Diabetes being an incurable disease is simply a myth.  He demonstrates this with just one of his many case studies here:


You can also watch Andrew’s story here:


Andrew was fortunate to meet Errol Denton because all of the hospital’s efforts to get his blood sugar under control had failed.  The hospital were proposing amputation of Andrew’s arm and that is when he decided he needed a safe natural alternative.

Live blood analysis actually indicates pancreas stress so it is more predictive than the regular blood sugar tests that one receives at the Doctor’s surgery.  This makes live blood testing possibly the ultimate preventative medicine tool available today.  The implications were this to be taken up by doctors would be no more Diabetes.  Watch proof here:

Errol Denton explains that because live blood analysis indicates sugar imbalance early it is quite simple to prevent and even reverse the condition by using food as a medicine.

If you are suffering from Diabetes or are Pre Diabetic then it is time to book an appointment for a live blood test with Errol Denton.

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