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Discover the simple blood test to prevent degenerative diseases

Jul 15, 2010

Today we as a society suffer from many degenerative diseases that are generally associated with getting older. Over the years we have seen an increase in the development of diseases such as: type 2 diabetes, arthritis, hypertension etc. One was not born with these disease conditions and they are not hereditary, they are solely attributable to diet, lifestyle and the quality of ones red blood cell production. So many people go through life taking a pill for every ill and some have to take them for the rest of their lives.  Is this the right way for modern civilised society to be dealing with health or is there another way?

Thankfully there is another way and that is prevention.  ‘Prevention is better than having to cure’ as the old adage goes. ‘You are what you eat’ is another one.  Live blood testing analysis is the way to accomplish both of these goals.

What is live blood analysis?

Live blood analysis is an alternative blood test which looks at living blood cells under a high powered microscope.  The individual is able to see their living blood cells on a video screen.  This test gives more information than the standard CBC complete blood count because it looks at living cells instead of merely counting dead blood cells.

Who can benefit from this blood test?

The real advantage of this test is that it is such an empowering tool for the individual because it gives them the ability to take control of their own health through the oldest medicine of all food.  In the words of the greatest doctor of all "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food (Hippocrates). Therefore this test can benefit absolutely everyone from a 2 month old to a 90 year old person who wishes to remain healthy.?

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