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The Proven Dangers of Microwave Ovens

Feb 26, 2010

Picture for The Proven Dangers of Microwave Ovens

Cooking or even reheating with microwave ovens substantially alters the chemical composition of any foods. This is because a microwave oven does not actually cook food it heats the food via microwaves. Microwaves are super high frequency electromagnetic radiation, the waves travel so fast that they heat up the atoms of food.

When one places food in a normal oven whether that be gas or electricity, the food will be cooked from the outside to the inside. When one places the same food in a microwave oven it does entirely the opposite. A typical example of this would be if one were to place a frozen chicken in a microwave oven for a few minutes and then remove it. Upon inspection the exterior would still be frozen whereas inside will be hot.

The Russians banned microwave ovens back when they were a communist country. After World War II, Scientists at the Institute of Radio Technology in Klinsk, Byelorussia According to William Kopp (J. Nat Sci, 1998: 1:42-3) came up with the following findings:

Heating meats in a microwave created:
d-Nitrosodiethanolamine (A well known cancer causing agent)
Destabilization of active protein biomolecular compounds
Creation of cancer causing agents protein hydrosylate compounds in milk and cereal grains.
Microwave emissions altered the elements within fruits when thawed this way.
Cancer causing free radicals were formed within certain trace mineral formations in plant substances
Ingestion of microwaved food caused a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the blood.
The chemical alterations of microwave food also damaged the immune system’s ability to defend itself and protect against cancerous growth.

As a result of these findings microwave ovens were banned in Russia in 1976 the ban was lifted after Perestroika.

One of the instructions given to microwave users is to let the food stand for a few minutes before consuming. This is to let the electromagnetic radiation waves dissipate, unfortunately due to their very high frequency these waves do not fully dissipate and the food enters the body causing damage to the stomach and intestinal villus.

When I look at a live blood sample from a client I can almost immediately tell if that person has been exposed to to any electromagnetic radiation particularly those of microwave ovens. The blood cells appear irregular shaped like a bottle cap instead of a nice round shape The person will usually be suffering from a mild or either severe form of fatigue. This is due to the fact that the food consumed is completely void of any living nutritional enzymes. The human body particularly the blood requires enzyme rich foods and the minerals they contain to sustain good health. Here is an example of someone who gave up the use of microwave ovens and changed her lifestyle after seeing her blood cells on a video screen.

Before my live blood test I was tired all the time, had pain in my belly suffered with ear ache as well as a throat infection. I generally was feeling very unwell. I had tried acupuncture and various medicines with no success.

My blood microscopy session was amazing! For the first time in my life I was able to see my own blood cells on a screen. I was able to see how bad a state it was in and why I was feeling the way I was on the inside. When I used to go to the doctor I never really knew what they had found or what was really going on or whether I had been told the full story; however with this test I got see it all live on the screen for myself it was my own blood.

I found Errol excellent he gave me confidence by explaining everything in a relaxed way. I was given a list of foods that I should eat or not eat going by what my blood had shown and what daily exercise I should do as well! I took all this away with me.

I stopped using microwaved ovens and will never go back to my old lifestyle because I have seen so much benefit inside and out. Having had this test and being on Errol’s programme has given me a new lease of health and life. My Weight was 79kg and I lost 9 kg, which was an added bonus all this is in less than 3 months! I am 5 foot 3 so should never of have been 79kg in weight.

My hair style is in locks which need to be greased with hair products since being on Errol’s programme I do-not need to grease my locks.

I noticed my blood was a nice lighter red and cleaner colour compared to before it was dark red. My blood cells were also not sticking together like my first test; now I laugh more and am lot happier.

I have recommended many of my friends and will continue to do so as I have had such good results.

Errol Denton is a Nutritional Microscopist live blood analyst focussed primarily on the creation of healthy red blood cells as this is the key to perfect health.  He can be contacted on 020 8498 9898 or www.livebloodtest.com

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