Iridology is the scientific study and interpretation of patterns and structures in the human eye, specifically the iris.
Iridology is the scientific study and interpretation of patterns and structures in the human eye, specifically the iris.
The iris is the portion of the eye that shows colour.
The iris reveals the body constitution, strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and any changes that take place in the body as a result of lifestyle.
The iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, which are connected through the brain and nervous system by impulses to every tissue of the body. The condition of the tissue and organs is reflected in the iris as lesions and colour variations.
Mainly chiropractors, nutritionists, and herbalists, but it is gaining widespread scientific and medical attention.
Learning about and understanding your genetic constitution will help you resolve or even prevent chronic health problems, including allergies, arthritis, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and many others.
Our Iridology Packages start at £755
When you book one of our whole packages you get below:
A detailed iridology report including your genetic iris make-up, with any pre-dispositions to diseases and potential health challenges, plus personalised nutrition recommendations and lifestyle advice Plus Products support on members area.
We offer Iridolgoy & Live Blood Packages which start at £755.
At Harley Street (we offer packages that inc Iridology)
Yes £20
One consultation could change your life.
Certified nutritional microscopist, Qualified iridologist.
Trainer to the stars
Mind coach
Our member's Health Club provides contant support to suit your health requirements.