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Case study for Anthony Houghton
My name is Anthony Houghton; I am 19 years old and live in Loughton. At present I am not working as I was diagnosed with severe inflammation caused by Crohn’s Disease in May 06. I found this a terrible shock but at least I now knew what was wrong with me.

I could not walk for 10 minutes, which is the approximate time it took me to walk to the local shops without the constant need to go to the lavatory. Walking aggravated the condition so much that I gave up trying to go anywhere without driving there. I became best pals with the cloak room. If the room was big enough I would have moved my bed in. I felt my life revolved around finding the nearest toilet before I went anywhere.

I had lost about 2 stone in weight before I went to see Errol in March 07. When I had my first live blood test Errol sat with me and explained what I could see on the computer screen and how an alkalizing diet would improve my crohn’s.

I started the diet and within 3 days the bleeding from my bowels when I went to the lavatory stopped and has not returned. Although I still have stomach pains the urgent need to go to the toilet has gradually calmed and the time that lapses between going is getting longer, which has improved the quality of my life.

I have to be honest and say that the diet is not an easy programme at first however you soon learn what you can eat and what you can’t the book has lots of useful recipes that my mum cooks.

I do not follow the diet strictly but I am drinking the greens and my mum tries to hide the omega oils which are not so pleasant in my foods. Each morning I juice a whole avocado and cucumber with the omega oil which is not so bad if you like avocado. Errol has been a guiding strength helping both my mum and myself to cope. He follows through any advice, he will explain everything, he hasn’t said eat this and left us to get on with it on our own, all has been worthwhile just for the benefits I am getting.

Errol has given me the confidence to try walking to the shops and I have since been able to do it without worry.

At the hospital I had another colonoscopy at the beginning of September 2007. The inflammation is not severe even though the Crohn’s is still active. Having some amount of control over bowel movement has certainly helped and if I had been following the diet strictly I am sure I would have had more improvement, but I ‘m nineteen! Even what I have been eating has made me happier to have a normal teenage life with my mates instead of saying "I need to go home NOW QUICK!

I cannot thank Errol and his wife for the confidence and control over my life I have gained. I did not think that what I ate would have such a positive influence over my Crohn’s. I have gained weight and I don’t feel as tired as I did before I started the diet, so I have decided to look for employment which was certainly not on my agenda a few months ago. I thought I would never be able to look for work because of how ill I felt.

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