Dear Errol,
Thank you for the blood test. I have had a fantastic two weeks break and feel REALLY GOOD. The main result is that I don't have anymore horrible "tropical moments" (menopausal symptoms) after 10days. For about 48hrs the hot flushes went berserk and I really struggled to cope, then they slowly faded away. Now I am cautiously hoping they are a thing of the past, and that I can be "normaL" again. I am able to "go mad" in the gym and use up loads of energy without that horrible hotness which made me feel that my head was going to explode! So Thank you both, I am feeling good.
Rosemary Millet (Basildon)
I had my first Microscopy session and test with Errol on 23rd May 2007. In the year prior to that I had several blood tests at my local hospital, with …
Kathleen Coleman-Cooke, 54
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Dear Errol, Thank you for the blood test. I have had a fantastic two weeks break and feel REALLY GOOD. The main result is that I don't have anymore horrible …
Rosemary Millett, N/A
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