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Case study for Shahidah Annahs
Before my live blood test I was tired all the time, had pain in my belly suffered with ear ache as well as a throat infection. I generally was feeling very unwell.

I was not sleeping and was so fatigued I could not get anything done. It has been like this for the past 4 years since the death of my father. My health and energy levels began to deteriorate after my father’s death. I had tried acupuncture and various medicines with no success.

My blood microscopy session was amazing! For the first time in my life I was able to see my own blood cells on a screen which was an interesting experience. I was able to see how bad a state it was in and why I was feeling the way I was on the inside. I could see on the screen what the cause of my ill health was for me.

When I used to go to the doctor I never really knew what they had found or what was really going on or whether I had been told the full story; however with this test I got see it all live on the screen for myself it was my own blood.

I found Errol excellent he gave me confidence by explaining everything in a relaxed way. He explained about the dirty blood and clean blood by showing me examples.

I was given a list of foods that I should eat or not eat going by what my blood had shown and what daily exercise I should do as well! I took all this away with me Errol gave me not just information on my blood but fitness and exercise and general health as well!

At first I thought it would be really hard to stop eating some of the foods that I liked and for the first 3 days I felt quite down. I then said to myself this program is either going to be good for me or not but I had to try to find out.

I will never go back to my old lifestyle because I have seen so much benefit inside and out. Having had this test and being on Errol’s programme has given me a new lease of health and life. It made me realize that I needed to stop eating certain foods especially meat. My Weight was 79kg and I lost 9 kg, which was an added bonus all this is in less than 3 months! I am 5 foot 3 so should never of have been 79kg in weight.

My hair style is in locks which need to be greased with hair products since being on Errol’s programme I do-not need to grease my locks.


I noticed my blood was a nice lighter red and cleaner colour compared to before it was dark red. My blood cells were also not sticking together like my first test; now I laugh more and am lot happier.

I have recommended many of my friends and will continue to do so as I have had such good results.

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