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Case study for Gwendolyn Walker
My name is Gwendolyn Walker retired Nurse I am 79 years old and live in Forest Gate E7.

Before I had my live blood looked at by Microscopist Errol Denton I had been feeling very unwell for sometime. I had been to my doctors many times over the last few years but never quite felt satisfied with the results. Due to my past career as a nurse I new that my health challenges did not just boil down to old age, I new it was more than that!!

Before seeing the microscopist Errol Denton I felt tired all the time I could hardly get out of bed some days. There would be days when I would struggle to get out of bed and have to stand for a while by my bed to get myself together before I could start moving to another part of the room or to a another room. I used to get severe headaches regularly every week and pains mainly in my back which I have had from my working nursing years. The pain in my back over the years has got worst and pain used to occur day and night regularly. Hence because of my back pain and the above health challenge my sleep pattern was bad never really getting a good night’s sleep. My blood pressure was 180/90 and I needed to lose weight.

My overall experience of my live blood microscopy test was very interesting watching my blood stream moving around all different shape shades and sizes There was quite a bit of acid pools in my blood also cells that I think were called ghost cells…

Like most people I already knew and had the main stream CBC blood test where you get to know how many red blood cells how many white etc. You just get given a list of numbers. I always have wanted to know more which I got from this live blood test it showed me how my blood stream was working or not working as the case may be!! I got to see the reason why this was occurring by viewing my own blood live on a screen. I could see all my health concerns that I have been having right in front of me. All the answers why were in seeing my blood!!

Errol Denton the microscopist I found to be very patient and very good at explaining what we were both seeing on the screen and he was very reassuring. The after care and instructions have really educated me on how to become healthy using an Alkalarian health approach individually tailored for me and my needs.

I have always wanted my live blood test analysed I have wanted from long ago and I am very pleased I have finally had it done. I am making good progress with my health and have a good feeling that this programme is going to continually work. I would encourage anyone to have this test done because it’s very important to know what is really going on in the blood.

After my blood test and making the necessary changes to my diet and lifestyle as instructed. My blood pressure went down to 140/70 and has stayed at this level my tiredness has reduced dramatically on some days I have lots and lots of energy. My severe headache has reduced I do not get them weekly anymore they are not severe like before. I have lost a few kg in weight, my back pain has reduced and over time on this programme I know it will completely go and that all my health challenges will reduce to nothing. I want to have an update live blood test sometime next year and then I will write another update.

Being a lot healthier has allowed me to get out and about a lot more than I used to seeing friends etc being able to keep up with things physically and mentally.

I can honestly say it is the best money that I have ever spent

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