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Case study for Esther Collins
I had been introduced to live blood testing via Tony Robbins' Life Mastery event.

After a Tony Robbins' "Unleash the Power Within" event in London my partner and I decided to make improvements to our diet and lifestyle. We wanted a way to measure the improvement to our health other than how we felt or look . After UPW we contacted Errol to arrange a consultation. For some time, I had been very tired and heavier than I wanted to be. My Parents have high blood pressure and I have always been worried that I would develop high blood pressure.

In the past, I have tried various diets and "healthy eating” regimes without much success. When I went to see Errol for the live blood test, he explained what he was going to do and then pricked my finger. He took a small amount of blood and put it on 4 slides, two for live blood analysis and two for dry blood analysis. Errol then proceeded to view the samples via a microscope and showed me what he saw on his laptop. He explained what he was seeing and the impact that this would be having now and long term on my health . For example I had a lot of yeast in my blood and he explained that this is the reason for cravings and also my tiredness. I found it quite depressing seeing how poor my blood looked and therefore my health was at that point. Errol assured me that there were solutions and that with careful eating and changes to my lifestyle such as regular exercise, that I could clean my blood. As confirmed previously, I had a live blood test done at Life Mastery in June 2006. I found it interesting but it did not evoke the response that Errol did. I found Errol’s analysis far more hard hitting and he was so knowledgeable that I felt compelled to respond.

The area of health is an area that has fascinated me for many years. I have found Errol to be the most knowledgeable person that I have met to date. He is also very determined and whenever I have had a challenge, he has always had a solution. He is very enthusiastic and committed and his enthusiasm is infectious. I have found Errol's coaching invaluable to keeping us focused and also for renewing my enthusiasm when things seemed difficult.

We have changed our eating habits completely. Other than our honeymoon and two days over the Christmas break, we have eaten using alkalarian principles where possible. We drink greens every day and have increased our intake of greens or PH water to 4 to 5 litres per day each. We take Udos oil every day, normally in an avorado shake. Even when it is not practical to eat using alkalarian principles, for example if we go out, we have amended what we eat. My husband has stopped eating meat and we eat vegetarian or fish dishes (I didn’t eat meat before).

The programme has provided me with the basic tools to take control of my health. My husband and I are hoping to start a family and it has given me the peace of mind to know that we can improve our health in preparation for starting a family and then understand some of the basic health principles of alkalarian living to provide any children that we have with the best possible start. I feel far more in control of my health and my weight is more under control. It has also given me reassurance regarding my long term prognosis for high blood pressure. I understand the basic principles of why prople get high blood

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