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Case study for Fergal Collins
I was introduced to live blood testing via Tony Robbins’ Life Mastery event. After an "Unleash the Power Within” event in London my partner and I decided to make improvements to our diet and lifestyle. After UPW we contacted Errol to arrange a consultation.

I was sceptical of what the analysis would show but was prepared to see what it would produce. When I went to see Errol for the live blood test, he explained what he was going to do and then pricked my finger. He took a small amount of blood and put it on 4 slides, two for live blood analysis and two for dry blood analysis. Errol then proceeded to view the samples via a microscope and showed me what he saw on his laptop. He explained what he was seeing and the impact that this was having now and long term on my health.

Errol explained the theory behind eating an alkaline diet and that by adjusting my diet and changes to my lifestyle such as regular exercise, that I could clean my blood. I found Errol’s analysis very well presented and with the images presented of my own blood it was very hard to challenge it. He is very knowledgeable on the subject and is easy to chat about my reservations and concerns and I agreed somewhat reluctantly to try it for three months.

Errol was always happy to suggest ways of approaching the diet and for what we could eat to meet our objectives of weight loss and cleaning up our blood. It is easy to see that he is very enthusiastic and committed to this lifestyle and his enthusiasm is very admirable and engaging. My wife found his coaching invaluable to keeping us focused and also for renewing our enthusiasm when things seemed difficult.

We changed our eating habits completely and now eat using alkalising principles where possible. We drink greens every day and have increased our intake of greens or PH water to 4 to 5 litres per day each. We take Udo’s oil every day, normally in an avorado shake. Even when it is not practical to eat using alkalising principles, for example if we go out, we have amended what we eat. I have temporally stopped eating meat during our program for getting fitter and as a result of what I have learned will in future reduce my meat intake in comparison to my previous eating habits where I had meat 5 or 6 days a week.

The programme has provided me with the basic tools to take control of my health. My wife and I are hoping to start a family and we have given our health the best preparation for this and I now understand the benefits that any family we have, will be able to enjoy by knowing the principles of an alkaline diet.

Many of our friends and family have noticed the weight we have lost and this has resulted in them asking what changes we have made to achieve this. Friends and family have been encouraged to drink more water and have asked us about alkalising living while it has encouraged others to do something about their weight and amend their diet accordingly. We have recommended two sets of friends to Errol and they too are enthusiastic about their results.

I had a retest after 3 months and there was a dramatic improvement in the quality of my blood which Errol was very happy with. I can see the benefits of having a more alkalising lifestyle but I find the restrictive nature as to what you can eat very difficult to maintain on a long term basis but appreciate I now have the tools and knowledge to clean up my blood periodically. I have also learned to appreciate eating more fish and vegetarian dishes as there is a great range of options that I had not tried and am only now beginning to experience. By knowing the principles and putting into practise having now seen the benefits, I acknowledge that it will bring enormous value to my long term health.

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